Care homes have become a vulnerable front side in the fight against coronavirus - and in France they account for a third of this 17,000 fatalities associated with Covid-19 up to now. One care home in southern France has recorded 36 deaths. However in those that stay virus-free, a needy effort is definitely under solution to retain it out. The R?sidence Saint-Julien in Burgundy has been in total lockdown for more than a calendar month. Located in the town of Saint-Julien-du-Sault, not definately not some of the hardest-hit parts of the Grand Est Paris and region, no visits are allowed because of it, no combined group activities, and meals only in rooms. Nothing of the 65 older residents or 50 staff has so far been infected.
The man or woman in charge of preserving it that way can be 29-year-old movie director Hugo Vidal-Rosset. A particular onus is being positioned on workers, he told the BBC. "The challenge is to make them feel responsible without making them feel guilty, because right now the virus can only come from them - at this time that is the biggest worry for the kids."  Another concern among staff is about catching the herpes virus from colleagues.   30 days Distancing rules were put in place at the start of the emergency previous. Face masks are provided and are to be used in any connection with other people. "You can find way too many asymptomatic workers," Mr Vidal-Rosset says. "You're taking a risk if you don't have everyone dress in face masks." So he has had the blissful luxury of running a Covid-free establishment very good. But these measures, he admits, cannot offer absolute protection.   When one employee asked him to ensure there was no risk of infection at the job, there is little he could say. "I'd be a liar easily promised you this because I don't know. What I could promise is that we did everything to be sure the risks are only they could be." The director has tried to provide reassurances, telling team who reside in children where someone may be diagnosed with coronavirus to stay home.  This is not government policy. In France, unlike in the united kingdom, health-care workers in such a position are expected to show up, furnished they wear face masks at the job.  Until now he's got managed to seek the services of replacements for personnel he has questioned to stay aside. "We might not have the ability to manage it indefinitely. If too many personnel have been in this example it would obtain confusing," he says. The health care home's residents include responded based on their situations. Gilberte Charbonnier, 94, confirms it "difficult because I cannot see my child".  Lucette Godard, 86, does not have any surviving household and takes everything her stride. "I'm used to being isolated," the BBC was basically informed by her. "I don't mind being locked up all day. I watch Tv set and carry out crosswords."  C?line Jeanvoine, 94, furthermore says the lockdown has not afflicted her: "I'm not considering myself. I'm thinking about all those people who lost loved one because of this damn computer virus." The turmoil has fostered a sense of common purpose among staff, claims Mr Vidal-Rosset states.  For any French healthcare market Unusually, at the house features named in ill since the begin no-one. "The team is united, everyone remains focused," he says.  "We're concentrating on the fundamentals - hyperlinks with families, and trying to keep people in good psychological and real health and fitness."  The lockdown, he stresses, has provided an opportunity to allow residents to get hold of their relatives via videoconferencing apps. "When it turned out that young families could no longer come to the home, we made a decision to increase that process," states the director. The machine is up and running Today, some residents experienced more usage of their far-flung relatives than before, because families are usually staying at home themselves with time on their palms. "Among the paradoxes from the crisis is that we have been required to move frontward on things that we knew experienced ahead."

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